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How to Get Things Done

At the start of the year we are most motivated to achieve our goals. And yet, within a few weeks we fall behind and soon many of us completely abandon our goals. Sadly, we slip back into our old habits.

We get a lot of advice about making goals and creating to-do lists, but not enough about the details of actually getting things done.

There are a number of techniques that have worked for others.

Let’s start with the tips you know but do not do,

according to Donald Latumahina from Life Optimizer

1. Rise early
2. Start with the most important task
3. Do not multitask
4. Prevent interruption
5. Actually do what you need to do

Begin from the inside

Meditation, exercise, breathing and even sleep increase productivity
according to the crew at ritholtz

Clean up your website, starting with your pressroom

Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound, suggests you get out the dust mask
and even Shop-Vac to create an online pressroom you can be proud of.

You’ll want to update old photos, phone numbers, fax numbers, awards,
and other items that are covered with cobwebs.

Read the whole article here.

Monitor daily progress

1. Patterned after a technique used by comedian Jerry Seinfeld, read the description here.

2. Another take on the Seinfeld calendar from Neville’s Financial Blog.

Work on small chunks or a bit a day

1. Look at how New York writer, Jack Cheng, recommends learning in small chunks in 30 Minutes a Day.

2. Try time blocking says Timo Kiander.

Maybe a productivity app for your smart phone will suit you

1. Here are the 15 really popular iPhone productivity apps

2. Here are the 10 great Android apps for productivity.

Finally, in case some important tips weren’t already covered, check out these 10 laws of productivity

Is This the Year You'll Write Your Memoir?

Image via Flickr

As I was sharing with a colleague how I work with aspiring writers,  she mentioned that if she wrote her story, no one would believe it.

Do you feel that way about your life story? If you begin reading memoirs you will discover amazing, sad, recounts of many life experiences, some more surprising than yours.

If you’ve been hesitating to write your memoir, here are some starters, motivators and reality checks.

1. Memoir Writing Prompts: It Matters — Memoir Writing Blog

Get these prompts for one story per month

2. Krissy Brady, Writer: Memoirs Ink Writing Contest

Enter contest before February 12th

3. Free Roundtable Discussion on January 12, 2012 on Building Your Writer’s Platform

The National Association of Memoir Writers declares this The Year of the Memoir. Get loads of
help, tips and more at their website.

4. Beware Hollywood Memoirs: They’re Dull and Overrated – Daily Beast

Much of my publishing life was consumed by the memoirs of movie stars—or by attempts to get them to write a memoir. These days I wonder why.


5. Writing Tips : Writing Memoirs

To write a memoir, consider the audience, focus on a specific point in life, maintain a consistent tone throughout the story and get feedback from peers after each chapter. Get more tips from the following video.