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Entering a Writing Contest Helps Your Writing

Entering a writing contest helps your writing. The prizes may be great, but they are not the main benefit. Writing well develops over time and requires practice. In addition to your writing projects, contests and competitions give you practice in meeting guidelines, deadlines and sometimes even result in helpful critiques.

In the last few years I’ve entered a 100 articles in a 100 days contest as well as 10 articles in 5 days competitions on EzineArticles.com. Even though I didn’t finish all 100 articles in the HAHD contest I did churn out dozens more than I would have otherwise. I did complete the 10 articles in 5 days and won a mug with coaster. Yippee!

I recently entered a six-word challenge at
http://www.smithmag.net/work-inspiration/memoirs.php?q=passion. From now until Labor Day, Smith has teamed up with Mercer to issue a six-word challenge every 2 weeks. Along with your six-word entry you may also submit a photo and a back story. I entered the following six words about work challenge and the photo above.

Here’s my entry in response to the question about what inspires your best work:

Pupils leaning forward minds wide open


After teaching junior high through college level for 40 years I still get a tingle when students lean forward, curious and eager to learn. Teaching is a learning exchange.

I’m seldom motivated by the prizes in a contest, but in case you want to know, the prizes are the choice of an iPad2 or Blackberry Playbook. All entries are eligible to be part of a “Six Words About Work” book, along with receiving a free copy of the book.

Hurry if you want to enter. The current theme is Lessons and ends on Labor Day. Get more details at Smith.

Master the First Law of Writing: Create a Compelling Hook

Stop worrying about the thousands of words that will fill your book.

Focus instead on creating a juicy hook that will grab your reader so completely that she will ignore her email, her buzzing cellphone, and that screaming baby down the hall.

A hook is an opening sentence that pulls the reader in. It may not be the first sentence you write when creating the rough draft, but it must eventually appear at the beginning of the proposal to a publisher or the final draft of your self-published book. Without a hook you risk losing readers before they ever get into the heart of your book.

Memorable books throughout history have memorable opening first lines. Do you recognize these?

  1. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
  2. If music be the food of love, play on. . .
  3. To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman.
  4. All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is  unhappy in its  own way.
  5. You better not tell nobody but God.

In all fairness to the rest of us writers, these famous lines were etched in our minds not always because we were lured into the books. Some were forced upon us as required reading in high school and college or we remember them because the books were made into movies.

While your book may never be turned into a blockbuster movie, you do want your book read. The challenge, then, is how can you write a hook that compels readers to continue beyond the first page.

How can you create a hook?

Arouse curiosity

All the opening lines cited above have an antecedent, a reference to a previous time, person or event of which we are not yet privy. They make us want to know the conflict, the problem or the situation that lead the author to utter that line. Who is she, it, and what is it we better not tell?

Hint at conflict, a problem or tension in simple language

The hint at conflict is best done with simple words. Even when the first line seems to be just an everyday introduction such as the opening of Moby Dick or telling us that the behavioral science department that deals with serial murder is half-buried in the earth as in the beginning of Silence of the Lambs, we immediately expect and yearn to know more.

Start in the middle

There is no need to start your manuscript at the beginning, but it is important to make the reader care. When a story begins “Once upon a time. . .” we are not just introduced to characters, but are about to witness them walk into danger or conflict. They were already on a course to a problem which we get to see play out and eventually be resolved.

Be patient with yourself

Don’t belabor your opening line, charging it with the duty to carry your whole book. Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction your hook just needs to make us want to know more.

Does this opening sentence make you want to know more?

“Until today, Ava had never stolen anything in her life.”

What does it suggest? Does it meet the basics of a good hook?

How about the opening line of your current project?

Check below to see if you correctly guessed the source of the first lines from above.

  1. A Tale of Two Cities~Charles Dickens
  2. The Twelfth Night~William Shakespeare
  3. Sherlock Holmes: A Scandal in Bohemia~Arthur Conan Doyle
  4. Anna Karenina~Leo Tolstoy
  5. The Color Purple~Alice Walker

What opening line from a book or blog has grabbed you? If you’ve written a great hook, share it with us in the comments.

How Do You Write a Book Worth Reading?

When Jonathan Fields, blogger, author, and entrepreneur recently announced his book marketing program, Tribal Author, he wrote

This is the most incredible time in history to be an author. Power, freedom and, yes, money, are there for the taking…if you get what’s really happening and are willing to act on it.

Doesn’t matter if you’ve never published or you’re an established author. Nor does it matter if you’re a writer’s writer or a business person wanting a book to use as a business card. You don’t need to censor, cannibalize or sell-out to benefit from the revolution. In fact, it’s more important than ever to write a phenomenal book.

Further down the page he stresses the importance of building an enterprise (more than what most call a platform) and learning to launch a campaign because writing a great book is not enough. If you are scanning his blog page fast you may miss when he says this

(Hack alert: this assumes you actually know how to write a book worth reading. Nothing will save a book that’s horrid).

I  agree that this is the most amazing time in history for authors who grasp the part they must play in selling their book, but how do you determine if a book is worth reading?

Some pretty horrid books were forced upon me in college because somebody had decided they were great literature. I survived to go on and write some pretty horrid stuff myself, some of which a few people bought.

Who decides if a book is worth reading?

The road to writing success is paved with rejections. A few of these are legendary:

  • Chicken Soup for the Soul books were rejected by more than 100 publishers before they found one who would print their book.  They still had to create demand for the book, working everyday for a long time until their idea caught fire.
  • Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for lack of ideas.
  • English novelist John Creasey got 753 rejection slips before he published 564 books.
  • By the time Stephen King was 14 he had received so many rejection slips that they were too heavy for the nail holding them up. He replaced it with a spike.
  • J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter was rejected by 12 publishers and almost by a 13th publisher, who gave in when his daughter pleaded with  him to publish the book.

These authors could have been rejected for many reasons, of course, but it’s clear that their writing was not considered worth reading.

Who decides if a book is worth reading?

Since a publisher takes a substantial financial risk in carrying a book to market, it’s understandable that they get to decide if a book is worth reading. Publishers don’t like taking risks. They are like banks that only want to loan money to people who already have plenty of it.

If a literary agent is being asked to shop your book around to find a willing publisher, it is the agent who quickly decides if she thinks she can convince a publisher to take on your book.

But what if the end user, the reader, got to decide what is worth reading. Wouldn’t that be great?

That is exactly where we stand now with blogs, ebooks and other digital products. Because the reader is free to read these types of writing directly from the author, it is the reader who decides if your work is worth reading.

No one is born a great writer

“Some critics will write ‘Maya Angelou is a natural writer’–which is right after being a natural heart surgeon.”
– Maya Angelou

Like learning to play the piano, lining words up to convey our thoughts may come easier to some than others, but we all have to practice, refine and hone our writing skills. Who is to say when our writing is good, good enough or great?

Writing is a lifetime endeavor, in fact. Every time an author starts a new book, she is at the beginning again.

There is a point at which you must let a manuscript go, a point at which you must decide you’re finished. You remember that feeling when an assignment was due in high school or college and you had to turn it in, imperfect as it was.

Writers don’t have to be great to be worth reading

Changes in publishing  have made it possible for anyone  to churn out a book. Some may have to hawk their work directly to readers to find their audience. But every writer’s  goal may not be to please a big audience or to rake in millions.

Take the poems I write every Christmas chronicling the year’s events in my family, for example. My audience is small. My poems are corny and the ryhming fractured. And yet, if one of my friends fails to receive his copy of my Christmas poem, he calls requesting it.

Since greatness is in the mind of the reader, I encourage writers to write, to rewrite, to read what they consider good writing and then write some more.

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”–Toni Morrison

If you intend to make your living from writing or will measure your book’s worth by how copies sold, then by all means you must turn substantial attention to marketing. Introvert or not you will have to hustle.  The traditional publisher, even after you win his blessings, won’t be much help with this. Dan Poynter, Mr. Publishing, points out that whether you go with traditional publishing or self-publish, you will have to market your own book.

How do you write a book worth reading?

Write a book worth writing.

How do you decide a book’s worth?

Authors Welcome Here

You have found your way here. That tells me something. You are either writing a book, thinking about writing a book, or trying to figure out how to publish the one you wrote.

On this site you’ll find help in many forms. Resources, tips, and announcements of classes and other events for aspiring authors and self-publishers.

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