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Your Ebook Does Not Have to Suck

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Unless you’ve been living in a very remote cave for the last few years, you know that ebooks are extremely popular.
So much so, that in any conversation about books folks seem to line up on the “print-is-dead-pass-my-Kindle” side or
“there’s-n0-book-like-a-print-book” camp.

As a writer you can’t afford to take sides since both versions of books are ideal for you, for different reasons.

The Print Benefits

Beside the obvious more appealing feel of curling up with a paper book, here are some other reasons for writing a print book:

  • Easier to sell after a speech or meeting.
  • Preferred format for those hold-outs from the 20th century
  • Still has more credibility in the mind of meeting organizers

The great thing about being a modern writer is that you don’t have to choose one format over the other. You want to
create  print as well as an ebook version, not to mention audio and other formats.

Ebooks have their share of benefits as well.

The Ebook Benefits

  • Production costs are zero, unless you hire someone to write or edit for you.
  • Greater profits since there are no dead trees or publishers involved
  • Greater profits since you can break a longer book into several ebooks
  • Ebook costs are very affordable giving more readers motivation and access to your ebook
  • E-readers are free as downloads making your book even more appealing since folks don’t have to buy the device in order to enjoy your book.
  • You can make changes to your book even after you’ve published it on e-platforms.

The coolest thing about an ebook is that you can use one as an ethical bribe to get folks to sign up for your list, if you choose.

Before you get started on that ebook, however, I urge you to write one that we would pay for if it were not for the fact that you’re giving it away in exchange for email addresses.

Before I wrote the ebook that I give away on this blog, I was fortunate to discover Michael Martine’s book, “How to Write an Ebook that Doesn’t Suck (and Sell it on Your Blog.” Even though I had written a number of ebooks before, I gained many number of valuable tips that enabled me to turn out an ebook that does not suck. I learned how to turn out an ebook that my readers want and in a short period of time, not to mention create a cool cover.

I know that my ebook doesn’t suck because Michael invites anyone who buys his ebook to send him a copy. I sent him a copy and he assured me that it didn’t suck. After benefitting from his ebook so much I decided to become an affiliate. That means that I’ll get a few coins if you invest in his book.

Michael has blogging since the old days (1990’s) and owns Remarkablogger, a blog devoted to helping you market your business through blogging. Before you write your first or next ebook, download Michael’s book. You’ll get an audio version as well so you can access it whichever way you prefer.

What are you waiting for? Click here to view more details

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